Cross Cut Completion at Oakwood Station

The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT) project consists of 19.7 km of light rail transit running along Eglinton Avenue from Mount Dennis in the west to Kennedy in the east. The project is being designed and constructed by Crosslinx Transit Solutions (CTS).

With such an important and flagship infrastructure project, under constant public scrutiny, given the build disruption to local communities, the stakes were high. CTS needed a true water management partner who would work with them right through to the end.  And that’s where WJ came in.

WJ was called in from the UK to take a look at dewatering requirements of the Eglinton Crosstown Project – a challenging commission, which combines difficult dewatering conditions with innovative construction techniques. Several of the stations within the Eglinton project are being constructed using a unique soil mining technique, known as the New Austrian Tunnelling Method. This meant that our dewatering solutions had to be just as innovative in order to succeed.

Right from the start, the Oakwood main entrance access (called the cross-cut) was flagged as the most challenging aspect of the project. A silty, low-permeability soil matrix that fines towards the bottom of the excavation was located just above a clay interface. Using, wellpoints, eductors, and deep wells, installed from the road surface and from confined spaces in TBM tunnels and mined caverns, WJ was able to complete this substantial dewatering feat, without any delay to the CTS mining schedule.

As everyone in mining knows: the mining can never stop!

WJ ensured it never did.


  • Deepwell Systems
  • Drilling
  • Eductor Systems
  • Railways
  • Wellpoint Dewatering System
  • Wellpoint Systems

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