Eductor Systems
Like the deepwell systems, the eductor (or ejector) system is based on wells that are drilled to lower the groundwater level to provide stable working conditions. Eductors use air within the wells to produce a vacuum to draw water out of the soil.
The system works by circulating high pressure water which is fed from a tank and supply pumps at ground level down the well into the eductor nozzle and venturi located at the foot of the well. The flow of water through the nozzle generates a vacuum in the well and draws in the groundwater. It is then piped back to ground level and back to the supply pump for recirculation.
Why Use Eductor Systems?
Eductor dewatering systems work to control pore water pressure in low permeability soils so this method of dewatering is best suited for sites with soils such as silts and fine sands.
WJ have a wealth of expertise and a high reputation for installing and operating eductor systems for notoriously difficult projects, including Crossrail and Conway Crossing in the UK and Eglinton LRT in Canada.

Range of application for eductor dewatering systems on construction projects (based on CIRIA 515, London 2000)
Featured Eductor Dewatering Projects

Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit System
The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT) project

Cross Cut Completion at Oakwood Station
A challenging commission, which combined difficult dewatering conditions with innovative construction techniques.

Sump Pit Completion at Caledonia Station
In the world of dewatering, clay is clay. No matter how thin, a continuous layer can quickly change dewatering requirements.