Emergency Residential Condo & Commercial Development Dewatering

Residential Condo and Commercial Developments

Residential Condo and Commercial Developments are bread and butter to WJ and have formed a large chunk of our dewatering both at home in and Toronto, as well as overseas.

Emergency Call-Out

This project was however a little different as WJ were engaged to provide emergency remedial response work. The existing dewatering contractors had installed an external perimeter dewatering system, alongside localised internal dewatering, but this system was struggling to achieve the required drawdown for the final elements of the excavation.

UOIT multilevel excavation
New UOIT development

Successfully Dewatered

WJ stepped in using our unique well point system, including utilising our specialised drilling methods to install included wellpoints through the caisson piles. Our small drilling rigs allow us to handle intricate projects requirements and access near impossible spaces. With our unique systems and equipment, the required drawdown has successfully been achieved.

WJ dewatering in Oshawa


  • Basement
  • Basements
  • Building
  • Excavations
  • High Rise
  • Wellpoint Dewatering System
  • Wellpoint Systems

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