Dewatering for Sump Installation

Dewatering for New Sump and Drainage Installations

If there is a requirement dewatering in a complex or challenging environment then WJ Canada are the ideal people to get in touch with, and this was the case on a recent residential development.

An existing residential tower development required the installation of an upgraded permanent drainage and sump system within the confines of the existing basement, in order to allow further development of the site. The client decided there was a need to install twin prefabricated sumps beneath the existing second level underground parking garage.

Unique Challenges

This provided a number of unique challenges – difficult access, restricted headroom, working in close proximity to structural pillars and footings of the existing building, as well as working in a very high yielding loose sand aquifer.

UOIT multilevel excavation
New UOIT development

Successfully Dewatered

WJ successfully used one of our drilling set-ups, specifically modified to work on limited access and headroom sites, to install two perimeter vacuum wellpoint dewatering systems around the sump excavations. High yielding vacuum wellpoint pumps were used in tandem to dewater each of the excavations to their target drawdown levels, allowing easy and seamless excavation, placing of the new sump, and backfilling by the installation contractor. There were strict requirements in place to ensure that the groundwater pump was free of sediment to mitigate the risk of ground settlement (which was a significant concern at the site), so this was monitored by a third party throughout the installation and running of the system, fortunately the works were carried out successfully.

How WJ can help you

WJ offer solutions for all types of geology and can meet the challenge of working within limited spaces that have sensitive requirements.

WJ wellpoint installation at UOIT September 2019
WJ dewatering in Oshawa


  • Basement
  • Basements
  • Building
  • Drilling
  • Excavations
  • High Rise
  • Wellpoint Dewatering System
  • Wellpoint Systems

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