WJ keep Toronto Moving
The expansion of the Toronto Light Rail Transit (LRT) network has provided WJ with a steady stream of work since WJ Canada was formed in 2016, work which continues to this day.
Throughout 2022 WJ undertook a variety of pumping tests and other hydrogeological investigations at a number of key sites along the LRT alignment. Alongside these investigatory works, WJ have provided robust dewatering solutions to maximize the drawdown at the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) intervention sites.
TBM Interventions
These interventions are locations along the alignment where maintenance is performed on the cutting face of the TBM, and therefore, for safety reasons, zero hydrostatic pressure is required. This requites an extensive and robust dewatering system – something WJ are experts in providing.
In addition to investigatory and dewatering works, an extensive array of groundwater monitoring wells was installed along the alignment to be used for pre-commissioning testing and system monitoring.
Related Projects

Eglinton Station, TTC interchange, Toronto

Quick Turnaround Dewatering at Science Centre Station
When CTS construction teams unexpectely found groundwater at the bottom of the Eglinton Crossrail excavation, they called WJ for help dewatering the site.

Cross Cut Completion at Oakwood Station
A challenging commission, which combined difficult dewatering conditions with innovative construction techniques.