Design & Consultancy
With a long-standing history of excellence in dewatering and groundwater control, WJ provides unrivalled in-house design & consultancy expertise across a wide range of water management control systems.
WJ’s Design & Consultancy Service
We’re able to bring our wealth of experience to each project. Services include:
- Computer modelling of groundwater (e.g. MODFLOW, SEEP/W, Aquiferwin32)
- Assessment of site investigation data for the purposes of groundwater control
- Pipeline design
- Investigation of settlement risks due to construction dewatering
- Design development of water management control strategies
- Liaising with Ministry of Environment and other relevant bodies over abstraction and recharge licensing and permitting
Put simply, our long-standing industry expertise gives us the capability to offer deep insight and solutions based on real world experience. We provide clear guidance that enables project success, even for the most complex dewatering and groundwater control challenges.
Featured Design and Consultancy Projects

Dubai International Airport

Crossrail Cross Passages

Lodz High Speed Rail Interchange, Poland