We deliver an outstanding service to clients of all size, from simple residential dewatering to large-scale national projects.
Canadian Projects

Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit System
The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT) project

Eglinton Station, TTC interchange, Toronto

Quick Turnaround Dewatering at Science Centre Station
When CTS construction teams unexpectely found groundwater at the bottom of the Eglinton Crossrail excavation, they called WJ for help dewatering the site.

Sump Pit Completion at Caledonia Station
In the world of dewatering, clay is clay. No matter how thin, a continuous layer can quickly change dewatering requirements.

Cross Cut Completion at Oakwood Station
A challenging commission, which combined difficult dewatering conditions with innovative construction techniques.
Global Projects
- all
- Dewatering and Groundwater Control
- Drilling and Probing
- Ground Source Energy Systems
- Monitoring
- Remediation and Treatment
- Testing Services

Cambridge WWTW

Quick Turnaround Dewatering at Science Centre Station
When CTS construction teams unexpectely found groundwater at the bottom of the Eglinton Crossrail excavation, they called WJ for help dewatering the site.

Riverside South Development, Canary Wharf

Royal Hospital For Sick Children, Edinburgh

Eglinton Station, TTC interchange, Toronto

Crossrail Station, Canary Wharf

Dubai International Airport

Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit System
The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT) project

HS1 Ashford Tunnels

Brighton I360

Crossrail Cross Passages

Dorset Fire & Police Headquarters

University College London

Sump Pit Completion at Caledonia Station
In the world of dewatering, clay is clay. No matter how thin, a continuous layer can quickly change dewatering requirements.

Provost Driver Court, Renfrew

New London Embassy